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A new mom and dad with their newborn baby
Pregnant? Cancer? My Life Altering Story FeaturedStories of Inspiration

Pregnant? Cancer? My Life Altering Story

My very complicated health journey starts at a young age. By the time I was in my late teens I was diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS, and Calcium renal calculus (calcium kidney stones). Between my doctors and myself, we tried countless options to relieve and heal my never-ending symptoms. In 2012, my brother and I were in a life-altering car accident.…
A mom and her young son and daughter with a sign that says "we love you mama"
I survived cancer, but the fear is far from over Stories of Inspiration

I survived cancer, but the fear is far from over

My first symptom — abdominal pain — started eight months before my diagnosis. Because I had been healthy my entire life, and because the pain came and went through the months and wasn't consistent, I didn't think it was serious. Twice I thought it might be a urinary tract infection: I saw a same-day physician assistant the first time and…
an ovarian cancer survivor sitting on a ledge overlooking mountain range
Moving Every Day Stories of Inspiration

Moving Every Day

I was first diagnosed with Granulosa Cell Tumor (GCT) ovarian cancer in 2010. I discovered the tumor when I was training for my first half marathon. I noticed that I had a hard bulge near my waistline that just simply shouldn't be there. To be honest, I was quite distracted at the time. Nine months prior I had started a new…
Adjusting My Sails Stories of Inspiration

Adjusting My Sails

As an avid sailor and lover of all things nautical, Kathy Heck alongside her husband Eric has learned that living with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer is much like being a sailor, calm seas are sometimes met with rough seas, and adjusting one's sails is needed to stay afloat. "I'm pleased to say I just celebrating my 6th plus year…