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Lauren Ashley German

Adjusting My Sails Stories of Inspiration

Adjusting My Sails

As an avid sailor and lover of all things nautical, Kathy Heck alongside her husband Eric has learned that living with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer is much like being a sailor, calm seas are sometimes met with rough seas, and adjusting one's sails is needed to stay afloat. "I'm pleased to say I just celebrating my 6th plus year…
I Still Fight FeaturedStories of Inspiration

I Still Fight

For the past 12 years, I have been battling ovarian cancer Stage 3C, a disease that, for me, has become chronic. Since then, I have had 5 recurrences, several bowel obstructions for a total of 5 major surgeries. The longest NED time I have had was from the summer of 2012 until March 2015. I have been on numerous chemotherapies,…
8 Years Later Stories of Inspiration

8 Years Later

In 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 3C clear cell ovarian cancer. My life had been going smoothly and I was 1 year from retirement, ready to travel, and do more of the things I loved when bam! my life changed so quickly. My doctors weren't very positive about my prognosis and the news wasn't encouraging. One doctor even told…