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I Still Fight FeaturedStories of Inspiration

I Still Fight

For the past 12 years, I have been battling ovarian cancer Stage 3C, a disease that, for me, has become chronic. Since then, I have had 5 recurrences, several bowel obstructions for a total of 5 major surgeries. The longest NED time I have had was from the summer of 2012 until March 2015. I have been on numerous chemotherapies,…
8 Years Later Stories of Inspiration

8 Years Later

In 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 3C clear cell ovarian cancer. My life had been going smoothly and I was 1 year from retirement, ready to travel, and do more of the things I loved when bam! my life changed so quickly. My doctors weren't very positive about my prognosis and the news wasn't encouraging. One doctor even told…
My Ovarian Cancer Journey: Everything isn’t Menopause Stories of Inspiration

My Ovarian Cancer Journey: Everything isn’t Menopause

"I am sorry, Mrs. Tener, but you have all the markings of ovarian cancer." I heard these words. The ER doctor must be talking to someone else, not me. I immediately thought of our daughter Marisa's pending marriage in five months in Hawaii...would I even be alive then? Ovarian cancer sounded like a death sentence to me...I knew it was…