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30 Days of Thanks: Uniting for a Cause – The Impact of Volunteers at NOCC News

30 Days of Thanks: Uniting for a Cause – The Impact of Volunteers at NOCC

At the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC), we are inspired by the dedication and heart of our volunteers. These amazing individuals generously share their passion and skills to support our cause, making a significant difference in the lives of those affected by ovarian cancer.   Local Engagement, Lasting Impact Volunteers play a vital role in our local market programs, events,…
November 17, 2023
Ovarian cancer survivors celebrate being together.
30 Days of Thanks: The Heart of Our Community – Survivors and Caregivers Giving Back Stories of Inspiration

30 Days of Thanks: The Heart of Our Community – Survivors and Caregivers Giving Back

30 Days of Thanks: The Heart of Our Community - Survivors and Caregivers Giving Back Today, we want to celebrate the incredible individuals who have faced the tough journey of ovarian cancer. Patients, survivors, and caregivers who have experienced the TEAL community's immense support play a vital role in giving back and making a real difference. We are forever inspired…
November 10, 2023
Sharing our Attitude of Gratitude News

Sharing our Attitude of Gratitude

As we step into November, the month of gratitude and reflection, we find ourselves overwhelmed with thankfulness for the incredible community that surrounds the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC). The impending holiday season is a reminder of the countless reasons we have to be thankful, and we recognize that each one of those reasons is made possible by you—our steadfast…
November 3, 2023
Caring and Connecting with Ovarian Cancer – Kim and Karlissa’s Ovarian Cancer Journey Stories of Inspiration

Caring and Connecting with Ovarian Cancer – Kim and Karlissa’s Ovarian Cancer Journey

My ovarian cancer story starts with my little sister, Karlissa Foster. In October 2008, when Karlissa was 33 years old, she felt a knot in her stomach followed by constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, and vomiting. I took Karlissa to the ER, and the doctor told Karlissa that she had masses on her liver, kidneys, and ovaries, and it looks to…
August 21, 2023
The Silver Linings Stories of Inspiration

The Silver Linings

The Team, The Silver Linings, was started by Debra Schwartz Sapcariu in 2015 after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Debra felt that whatever happened in her life, there was always a positive – a silver lining to be found! Debra had younger twin brothers, Jeff and Barry Schwartz and when she was diagnosed, they helped her and her daughter…
June 2, 2023
Taking Hope to New Heights – Angela’s Story FeaturedStories of Inspiration

Taking Hope to New Heights – Angela’s Story

While the world was navigating Covid and its fallout, my family and I were battling my diagnosis of Stage 2 ovarian cancer. I underwent chemotherapy beginning in October 2020 and ending in February 2021. It was a profound learning experience- multiple surgeries, side effects, and lots of uncertainty. Like many, my family health history did not include ovarian cancer –…