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Stories of Inspiration

Running to Give Back

By May 14, 2021May 13th, 2024No Comments

Michael Davidson of New York is a world traveler and avid marathon runner. His marathon career began in 1997 when he wanted a goal to kick off the new year. That goal would mean months of training and completing his first marathon that year at the age of 25. “It was only ten months earlier that I was sitting in my apartment in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, that I decided I needed a goal to kick-start the year ahead. Although I never enjoyed running nor was in any kind of condition, I thought trying to get into the NYC Marathon as well as the training and race itself would be a fitting endeavor.” 23 years and 28 marathons later he agreed to run for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition in what would have been the 2020 New York City Marathon.

“Last year, after completing my 11th New York City Marathon, my dear friend Geske asked me when I was going to run for the ovarian cancer cause. Geske and I have been colleagues and friends for over 8 years, and I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Geske has been living with ovarian cancer for 6 years and supporting a friend and a great cause is especially meaningful to me. I have run several marathons for charity; when I’m asked why not just donate instead, I realize for me, a donation is important, but not as symbolic to train for months, dedicate my hours and physical and mental self to put in the work it takes to run 26.2 miles. Running for Geske is a boost for her – and for me. There are many times I do not look forward to going out and running, and it never gets easier, but knowing I am doing it for a friend is inspiring for both of us.

Time is perhaps the most precious resource and yet no person truly knows how much they possess before it runs out. We often make assumptions that our lives will last until some measure of old age and defer dreams and hopes that we should pursue in the present. Life should not be rushed or urged to go pass quickly so that we can move onto the next thing or to overthink the past. Rather we must use the time to maximize the experience itself and relish the moment. In some races, especially in NYC, I relish stops along the way to drink water, catch my breath and enjoy watching the other runners passing by, each of whom is running their own personal race – and often supporting a cause, to memorialize someone, or to prove they can do anything they set their mind to. I have visited 48 countries, ran a marathon in each continent and the New York City Marathon is my favorite, it’s my city, it’s the day that the entire city comes together and cheers the runners regardless of race, color, creed, love, politics, and abilities. I will run the 2021 NYC Marathon for NOCC Team TEAL and for my friend Geske; it will be my honor and privilege to do so’. Michael has written Reflections on Running: Run for Your Life that details his marathon journeys.”

Michael Davidson

Michael Davidson is the current top fundraiser for NOCC Team TEAL in 2020 and has raised over $7,900 to support the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Interested in being part of NOCC Team TEAL? Contact

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