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Nevi’s Warriors – Bronx

By May 21, 2021May 13th, 2024No Comments
Five men and women huddle, wearing NOCC teeshirts

Wynette, Whitney, Malcom, and Nevis Almeida, family and friends, such as Danielle Nicolosi and Joana Pereira, are known throughout the NOCC Together in Teal New York City community as “Nevis’ Warriors.”  These family members and friends have been the most enthusiastic, caring, and dynamic team in New York City!  Nevis Almeida is battling ovarian cancer, but she remains positive, strong, and optimistic about her future. Her children, Wynette, Whitney, and Malcom, and family and friends show incredible and positive support to Nevis 24 hours a day. The name they chose for their walk/run Together in Teal team, “Nevis’ Warriors,” truly represents their eagerness and passion to see their mom, Nevis, become 100% cancer-free and help the TEAL community raise funds to find a cure for ovarian cancer.

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