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Kelsey’s Krusader’s – Iowa

By May 21, 2021May 13th, 2024No Comments
A team of fundraisers and ovarian cancer survivors

Kelsey’s Krusader’s is made of family and friends supporting Kelsey Watts and the NOCC mission. Kelsey was faced with an ovarian cancer diagnosis at a young age. Her mother, Kim, and sister Shelby simultaneously joined the Iowa chapter to crusade for awareness and a cure, not only for Kelsey but all women! They have continued to raise thousands of dollars, breaking their personal records each year at our annual Together in Teal 5k. This team contributes to many areas of our TNT event. From managing refreshments, live music, set up and tear down survivor recognition, and all the in-betweens, if we have a need, they will fill it.  Kim has planned and executed other events and fundraisers like Night With the Iowa Wild. All three ladies are happy to give their time and talent to move our mission forward through early awareness and quality of life for survivors and caregivers. 

We are honored to have Kelsey’s Krusader’s as part of our chapter!

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