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Self-care and coping skills for ovarian cancer


Jul 14 2021


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DigiTEAL Learning Series – Summer Program “Improved Sleep for Healing”

7:30 PM EDT • 6:30 PM CDT • 5:30 PM MDT • 4:30 PM PDT

Our complimentary DigiTEAL Learning Series addresses the ongoing needs of patients, survivors and caregivers. Offered in four one-hour sessions, it emphasizes the importance of self-care and coping skills, and includes resources and timely educational and interactive programs.

DigiTEAL helps participants gain a sense of control and inner peace through community engagement. Designed for those in a shared experience, the series is held in a safe and intimate online setting. To promote this nurturing environment, each session will be limited to a first-come-first-served basis. Once registered, each participant will receive a complimentary DigiTEAL care package.

Registrants will be confirmed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Click here to register

Improved Sleep for Healing

Presenter: Dr. Brian Gonzalez, Moffitt Cancer Center
Experiencing sleep disruptions is common for both patients and caregivers following a cancer diagnosis. Yet research shows that sleep is a necessity for your body’s ability to heal. Whether physically driven as a result of treatments or emotionally driven due to stress and anxiety, learn how making sleep a priority can help improve your quality of life, and come away with strategies for obtaining a more restful night’s sleep.

7:30 PM EDT • 6:30 PM CDT • 5:30 PM MDT • 4:30 PM PDT